Concerned conservationist about Worm composting in Madagascar

by Kerileigh Lobban
(South Africa)

Eisenia fetida compost worms recycling food waste

Eisenia fetida compost worms recycling food waste


I am researching about the extent of vermicomposting; worm farming for the use of composting, in Madagascar.

Is the practice widely spread? And are the red worms (ideal candidates for the practice) readily available in the major regions or at least in Tana?

I have used vermicomposting for a few years now in South Africa and find it to be a very efficient and effective means of composting table scraps/organic waste.

I lived in Ankarafantsika NP, Madagascar, for a few years and am constantly thinking back to any issues that the local Malagasy people were/are facing, especially when balancing conservation practices and subsistence farming.

The production of compost and the use of fertilizer is vital in the nutrient-poor soils of certain parts of the country. Slash and burn practices are otherwise used, which are highly destructive and completely unsustainable. With costs of fertilizers increasing, a new solution is needed. I am holding thumbs on a job posting in Madagascar, through which I will again be able to assistant hands-on, and in the meantime am doing some research on projects that I think would increase the self-sustainability of this beautiful country. The viability of worm farms being just one of them.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to your responses.

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Mar 05, 2016
Worm farming to improve soil fertility in Madagascar
by: Anonymous

Hello Kerileigh,

I am glad to hear that you want to promote recycling with earthworms in Madagascar.

I have done research to find out about the size of the worm composting industry in Madagascar and could only find one potential supplier of earthworms in the country.

So you would definitely a pioneer if you would start and establish a commercial worm composting set up there.

Red worms (Eisenia fetida) would be the ideal worm to recycle food waste and other organic materials in most countries of the planet and that would certainly include Madagascar. Red worms are prolific breeders, eat large amounts of organic waste and can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

The lack of potential suppliers of worms in the country would mean that you would probably have to import a starter population of worms to get your worm farm of the ground.

I am convinced that Worm composting could be very beneficial for the Malagasy people as it enables them to recycle household and animal waste and have the worms convert them into one of the best natural plant foods and soil conditioners known to man.
Setting up a worm farm can be done on a shoestring budget and be grown to virtually any desired size.

Worm composting can help to replace the destructive Slash and burn practices. It is a sustainable business practice and could definitely help to improve farming and soil conditions in the country.

I hope you will get the job in Madagascar you are looking for and will pioneer the worm composting industry in the country.

I wish you all the best and am looking forward to get some updates from you in the future.

Kind regards and happy worming.

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

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