Worm Composting Blog

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Jul 09, 2024

HELP- Can I add fresh food scraps to my worm bin?

Hi there, recently I have started(newbie) vermicomposting in a 5-gallon DIY bin with a pound of worms and added semi-done (cooled down!) kitchen compost

Continue reading "HELP- Can I add fresh food scraps to my worm bin?"

Jun 18, 2024

Earthworms for a worm farm in Cyprus

Hi guys I wanted to buy earthworms for my 3 buckets layer system. Do you sell them? If yes, do you do delivery or have a place close to Limassol? Thanks

Continue reading "Earthworms for a worm farm in Cyprus"

Jun 12, 2024

Help! I don't know what the white bugs in my worm bin are

Hey guys I have many of these whiteish little thing in my worm bin, can you pls see what it is and how to get rid of them? thanks

Continue reading "Help! I don't know what the white bugs in my worm bin are"

May 01, 2024

13 good reasons to start a worm bin

A bunch of compost worms

Good reasons to start worm composting. I often get asked why I decided to get into worm composting, recycling kitchen- and other wet waste with the help

Continue reading "13 good reasons to start a worm bin"

Apr 19, 2024

Moisture control in continuous flow worm bins.

With setting up a series of continuous flow bins I am having a challenge with managing the moisture, as the worms seem to dwell in the bottom of the bin,

Continue reading "Moisture control in continuous flow worm bins."

Apr 02, 2024

Kompostwürmer verschwinden aus dem Komposthaufen

MeineKompostwürmer verschwinden aus dem Komposthaufen!? Letztes Jahr habe ich 500 Kompostwürmer in meinen 3 Komposthaufen (frisch, einmal gewendet und

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Mar 18, 2024

Earth worms to buy

Please I am interested to buy about 500 earth worms for my large garden in central Israel. Contact me on email tracyisr7@yahoo.com Thank you, Ann

Continue reading "Earth worms to buy"

Mar 04, 2024

Earth worms to buy

Please I am interested to buy about 500 earth worms for my large garden in central Israel. Contact me on email tracyisr7@yahoo.com Thank you, Ann

Continue reading "Earth worms to buy"

Feb 01, 2024

Worms convert junk mail

Junk mail makes great worm food

Worms convert junk mail into natural soil conditioner. Did you ever wonder what to do with all those unwanted pamphlets...

Continue reading "Worms convert junk mail"

Jan 25, 2024

Tiger worms for my bio septic systems

Please I want tiger worms for my bio septic systems.

Continue reading "Tiger worms for my bio septic systems"

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

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Prices valid till 31.07.2024

How worms recycle human manure