Do you have a crazy worm bin?

Do you have a crazy worm bin? There are many commercial worm bins available on the market! A few models have even come to international

fame. On this page we want to show that you don't have to purchase an expensive worm bin to recycle your kitchen- and garden waste. There are a lot of homemade wormeries around that are helping to recycle huge amounts of food waste in backyards, garages and cellars. We are looking for those crazy worm bins that you have designed and build yourselves. Do you have a container you decided to convert into a worm farm? Worms are not fussy! If you make sure their basic requirements are met they will live, breed and multiply just about anywhere.

Like in the picture below! They even live in ordinary plastic bags hanging on a tree!!

The bags are a compost worm experiment we started a while ago!

We added safe worm bedding, different kinds of food and some compost worms to 3 worm bins.

Actually more accurately we should call them worm bags!

Crazy Worm Bins?

A few holes in the bottom of the bags to ensure proper drainage, and some air holes at the top for enough air circulation and ready where our Budget worm farms!

They have been hanging in the tree since the 15th of May 2012.

I am checking out all three bags regularly and the worms are fine and seem to be enjoying themselves.

They have survived several cold weather fronts with loads of rain and are safe from moles which are amongst their worst enemies.

In addition the worms have a shady place in case the sun decides to burn down on us one of these days!

I will continue the experiment and will tell you more about the worms well being and the speed of the recycling in the near future.

Our worm bags are obviously not the prettiest worm farms around but 

certainly amongst the more unusual and cheapest worm farms and living prove that worms can grow on trees :-) !!  Where do yours grow? If you have an unusual worm bin or want to ask or share something around the subject of worm farming please share it with us on the form below!

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Do you have a special worm bin?

Do you have a worm bin that stands out from the crowd? Is your worm bin bigger, cheaper, funnier or more original than those of your neighbors and friends?

Please share it with us! Send us a picture and share a bit about the story behind your worm bin!

See the worm bins

Click below to see contributions from other worm farmers...

My cat loves our worm farm 
We got a worm farm standing in the house and one of my cats chose the worm bin as her favorite resting place. Cats are usually quite fussy. Bad news for …

Sunflower in dog poop? 
The sunflower seed that I planted in the dog poop worm bin a while ago is growing into a healthy flower. After a few nightly attacks from garden snails …

crazy - cat wormbin 
This worm bin is so crazy it even thrills my neighbour's cat ...see him rush off home to see ask for his very own worm bin

My bathtub worm farm 
I recently converted an old bathtub into a real big worm farm It works very well! and I can tap of worm leachate at the bottom as well!

DIY Flow Through Worm Bin (FTWB) 
I like the idea of the commercial FTWB. I do not like the idea that it must be placed on a concrete slab in order to harvest the castings from the bottom. …

Horse trough worm bin Not rated yet
I used a recycled horse trough as a worm bin. It's big and works perfect. Hello Shane, thank you for your message. Your horse trough worm bin sounds …

Click here to write your own.


Making money with earthworms


Recycling with earthworms


Worms against climate change


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For questions or suggestions please contact us!


Worm Farming a good Green business idea


10 reasons to start a worm farm


How to recycle


Working from home


Recycling of household waste


Gardening with earthworms


Sustainable business idea


For questions or suggestions please contact us!

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How to make

$ -MONEY - $

with earthworms! 


The Book 

"How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget 

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How worms recycle human manure