Worm Tea -
Organic Fertilizer and Natural Pesticide

When I offer some worm tea that some people call as well compost tea to clients, many of them are still smiling or looking a little

perplexed wondering what on earth I am talking about? But more and more garden enthusiasts and farmers are learning about the outstanding benefits of this great organic plant food.

All kinds of plants like… ·Shrubs, ·Trees, ·Flowers, ·Vegetables,

·Seeds, ·Seedlings and ·Lawns

will benefit from the application of this organic fertilizer to their soil.

Worm tea is produced when worm castings are mixed with water and molasses and brewed for 24 hours.

The molasses will serve as a food source for beneficial microorganisms that are part of worm castings.

The brewing process multiplies the beneficial microorganisms of the worm casting tea rapidly.

Liquidized worm castings are prepared to be bottled.

The finished product will achieve the best results if used within 24 hours after the end of the brewing process but will still be beneficial for several months.

If you bottle it just shake it before using it to activate the remaining microorganisms.

Liquidized worm castings have many positive properties for soil and plants.

  • ·They act as a natural fungicide and insecticide
  • ·can be used as an organic fertilizer
  • ·will never burn plants

  • and will improve soil structure and plant health.
  • To brew earthworm tea you will need...
  • a bucket or tank,
  • an air pump with some piping,
  • an air stone usually used for fish tanks,
  • some worm castings and molassesand water.

It’s really easy to produce and the results will speak for themselves.

Spinach plants growing in Worm casting enriched soil.

How to brew worm tea


This recipe is worked out for a 20 liter / 5.29 gallons

1.Fill your bucket with water that is chlorine free. If you don’t have access to pond water add the air stone, switch on the air pump for 12 hours and let the chlorine evaporate

2.Add 1kg / 2.2 pounds of pure worm castings

3. Add 25 ml / 1 tablespoon of molasses

4. Let the air pump run for 24 hours

5. Remove the air stone

You can use the product immediately.

Liquidized worm castings brewing in a bucket.


Take note when you want to use the tea as a foliage spray it is advisable to filter it through a cloth before you use it.

This will remove any solids that might block the spray mechanism of your bottle.

Although a properly prepared worm casting tea can be used pure it is quite ok to dilute it with water.

A ratio of 5 parts of water to 1 part of tea can still bring great results.

Try the recipe and tell us about your experiences!

Another great product for your plants and garden soil is compost tea!

Send us some pictures of your garden. We would love to hear from you!


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Hi, I stored rain waster for brewing worm tea in a 32 gallon plastic garbage container with a lid. However I noticed mosquito larvae in the water and …

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Hi, my question is in regards to the 24hr turn around after brewing worm tea. If aeration was to run non stop with scheduled feeding of molasses, would …

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Are you sure it takes 24 hours to brew worm tea? Not rated yet
Look what I got after only a few hours of brewing. Are you sure it takes 24-36 hours? Answer: Hello Antonio, we usually brew not more than 24 hours, …

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Comment: Hello I am currently in the process of setting up my worm business as a result of reading the Stephan Kloppert's book "How to start a profitable …

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My husband was just affected by the massive oil field layoffs. Our housing cost is $2000/ mo. We have enough income for a couple of months. Can we make …

Using pond water to produce worm tea Not rated yet
Question: If you use pond water, do you still need to use the air pump to produce worm tea? Answer: Hell EZ, using pond water to produce worm …

Dry dog poop for worm farms and dolomite for worms Not rated yet
Hi, I'm new to all this but today I watered in my first worm tea brew using a pond pump and molasses I actually now have 3 separate worm farms. One …

Brewing worm tea! Am I doing it right? Not rated yet
Question: I am making worm tea. I have brewed it for 24 hours… I really have not seen the "skim" that everyone talks about. ? Is that a problem?… …

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