Eisenia fetida supply

by Andreas
(London, UK)

Hi there,Firstly, congratulations on your your book - it's really insightful! I was just wondering whether it is possible to obtain some Eisenia fetida worms from you. I live in the UK and it's becoming increasingly difficult to source E.fetida here (Usually they provide you with a mix of E.fetida and D.veneta).I have a contact in South Africa who would be more than happy to collect some E.fetida worms from you and bring them to London. Would that be possible? I need the worms for research purposes, and thus the species is really important to us. I appreciate your time. Best wishes Andreas

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Aug 08, 2018
Re: Eisenia fetida supply
by: Stephan

Hello Andreas,

sure that should be fine. As long as your friend makes sure he gets the worms through customs. How many worms are you looking for?

Kind regards


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