Is pineapple bad for earthworms?

by Tom
(New York)

To whom it may concern,

I have placed some pineapple slices (without the skin) in my worm bin. I read that pineapples can have an adverse effect on earthworms...Any thoughts?

Many thanks

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Jun 09, 2017
Re: pineapple as worm food
by: Stephan

Hi Tom,

there are a lot of things written on the internet and quite a few of them are just speculations or not true.

I have added pineapple to my worm farms and had so far no problems with it whatsoever.

If you are in doubt about a certain worm food it is always good to only add a little of it initially and see how the worms react to it after a few days.

I don't think you will have to worry about just a few slices of pineapple as long as you didn't cover the whole surface of the worm bin with them.

Have a look at my worm food rating list to see some of the good and less desirable materials you can feed your worms with.

If there are any materials that you would like to know about and which are not on that list yet , please let me know and I will add them.

The link to the pate is

Kind regards and happy worming

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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