Black soldier fly larva infested my worm bin

by Judy

Black soldier fly larva

Black soldier fly larva

Hi Stephan,
I bought a Midi worm farm from you last year, and after a few delays
(postal strike), I received my farm and it really went well for a couple
of months. I recently relocated the worm farm from my garage to an outside
area, and unfortunately my worm farm became horribly infested with Black
Soldier Fly maggots. Your new website has been very informative regarding
this problem, but I think I waited too long and have had to start again.
I would like to buy more worms, where could I source them? I live in
Pretoria, so would like to source them locally (in fear of another postal
delay), and also keen to start my worm farm soon. I had wonderful rewards
with my worm-tea that my farm was producing.

Look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks you for your time and advice,
Regards Judy


Hello Judy,

I am sorry to hear that your worm farm had an attack of soldier fly maggots.
If noticed early enough they usually can get sorted out quite quickly as I described on one of the pages of my website

Unfortunately I am not informed about worm suppliers upcountry.

I think you would have to try to google them? If you don't come right we can
as well get you a quote sending you a batch of worms using our courier service.

They usually deliver the worms within 3 days.

I just would need your physical address and could get a quote for you.

I am sure your worm farm will be up and running again in no time.

Kind regards and happy worming


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