Can I start a new worm bin in old abandoned worm castings?

by Karen
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Hi, I want to restart a dead worm farm. The set up includes old castings and probably dead worms. Can I use this material for new worms or do I need to replace it? The farm has not been active for about 3 years.

Thanks, Karen

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Dec 05, 2016
Re How to restart an abondoned worm farm that contains old worm castings?
by: Stephan

Hi Karen,

it's always good to get a worm farm back into action :-)

As you suspected a worm farm that was abandoned 3 years ago will most likely only contain old dried up worm castings and no worms.
You can carefully dig some of the castings inside the worm bin up to see if there is any moisture or organic material left that could have possibly sustained some worms but it is highly unlikely after such a long time.

Best thing would be to use the old worm castings to fertilize some of your garden plants or lawn and start your worm farm with fresh worm bedding and worms.

On my website you will find lot's of helpful information that should assist you to get your worm farm of to a good start. I suggest you have a look at the following article

It will show you what you need to get your worm farm up and running again.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact me.

I wish you all the best with your worm composting project and hope to hear from you soon about the progress you have made :-)

Kind regards and God's blessings


Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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