How do Stacked Worm Bins work?

by Justin

Stacked worm bins

Stacked worm bins

How are the bins sitting on each other? Are there lids on the lower two bins with holes in them?

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Mar 23, 2018
Re: How do stacked worm bins work
by: Stephan

Hi Justin,

Stacked worm bins are just sitting on top of each other with only the top one having a lid and the bottom one catching excess liquids and having a tap to drain them off.

All the bins on top of the bottom bin do have holes in the bottom to allow the worms to move upwards into the bins above (compost worms are top feeders) and allowing the excess liquids to drain through the system to be collected in the bottom bin.

I hope that helps

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm bin on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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