How do we apply beneficial nematodes to a compost toilet?

by Bob

My question is: How do we apply beneficial nematodes to a compost toilet? We have fungus gnats and plan to use nematodes to get rid of them. I've been shown that I can just place them in 8 oz of water, wait 20 minutes then pour into the toilet. Also, can we/should we use this method as a prophylactic to keep fungus gnats away?


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Apr 27, 2020
Re: How do we apply beneficial nematodes to a compost toilet?
by: Stephan

Hello Bob,

sorry for the late reply but times have been crazy and the coronavirus added more issues as you can imagine.

Your information is quite right. The beneficial nematodes suited for the job of eliminating fungus gnats in worm farms and/or compost toilets are called "Steinernema feltiae".

To apply them to your compost toilet or worm farm just add them to a cup or two of water and spray them evenly over the surface of the container that is infected with the gnats.

The beneficial nematodes will then go themselves on the hunt for their soil-dwelling prey.

They will continue hunting their victims down till they are completely eradicated.

Once there is no more prey to be found they will starve to death.

This, unfortunately, means that they can't be used as a prophylactic to prevent fungus gnats and other potential from entering the compost toilet and/or worm farm.

For more information about these amazing creatures please have a look at my article about them at

I trust this will help and wish you and your family health and God's rich blessings.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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