How to get rid of centipedes in a worm bin

by Stephan Kloppert
(Radevormwald and Cape Town)



please tell me how to get rid of centipedes that have invaded my worm farm?


Centipedes don't live in large quantities in worm bins but they can prey on worms. To get rid of them you will have to be quick and catch them immediately after you opened the lid of your worm bin.

They are quite quick and will run for cover in an instant once they feel threatened. When you see them grab them straightaway between your thumb and index finger and squeeze them hard.

This is usually sufficient to kill them and they will become worm food within a few days.

For more information about worm bin predators you might come across inside your worm farm have a look at the article I published about the subject. The URL is

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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Jan 24, 2022
Too many centerpedes
by: Anonymous

We have a indoor continuous flow worm bins 4'x 36'x4' deep and the centipedes have moved in. We've tried picking them out and they don't seem to be slowing down. If we skimmed some of the topsoil from the top would this be sufficient in getting rid of them all? Thank you

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