How to sell worms

by Alan
(Austin Texas)

Raising worms looks to be interesting as a second income. Is there a company or organization that will buy the worms and compost

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Mar 06, 2023
Re: How to sell worms
by: Stephan

Hello Alan,

If done right one can definitely generate some extra income by raising and selling worms.

There are lots of possibilities to find clients for compost worms, worm compost, and worm bins.

Some possible customers could be private garden enthusiasts, private households that want to recycle their wet waste, Zoos, Nurseries and garden centers, freshwater fishermen, fishing tackle shops, and pet lovers that like to feed their animals live food...

The list goes on but I guess this could give you a good idea of where to start.

Wishing you loads of success with your worm composting project.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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