I Want to launch a vermicomposting Revolution in Ethiopia.

by Anteneh Alebachew

The Northeast region of Ethiopia is a very dry area with frequent attacks of drought.

I want to introduce the Worm composting technic to the rural community. Can you guide me on this big project?

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Jan 25, 2024
Re: I Want to launch a vermicomposting Revolution in Ethiopia.
by: Stephan

Hello Anteneh,

thank you for contacting us. Your plans to begin a worm composting project in Ethiopia are sounding great and I am convinced it could be a success story and improve the fertility of your soil as well as the lives of the people involved in the project.

If you have specific questions, I might be able to assist you from time to time. However, I suggest you read through many of the articles in the beginner's section of worm-composting-help.com to get started.

An excellent option would also be to purchase a copy of my book "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget."
The book gives step-by-step instructions to help anyone to begin a worm-composting project from scratch.

Whatever you decide I pray that God will bless your plans and your project.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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