Ants in a new worm farm

by Mae

Ant in a worm farm in the Philippines

Ant in a worm farm in the Philippines

Hi. I just started my worm farm yesterday. Unfortunately the ants got into the farm. Im from southeast asia. My wormfarm is an old drawer which some of the websites suggested. I don’t know what kind of ant it is. (Though they are friendly to humans, they don’t bite) im wondering if they could eat my worms. Please help me identifying the ants and if they are a good roommates for my worms. Thank you so much. Heres a photo of the ant. I accidentally broke its legs. Thank you very much.

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Feb 12, 2018
Re: Ants in a worm farm
by: Stephan

Hello Mae,

ants are quite often found in worm farms as a worm bin is usually a good source of food like fats and sugars that ants enjoy very much.

Most ants however don't attack the worms themselves but rather compete with them for the available food. If you have plenty of waste to feed to your worms and you don't see them attack your worms you might just leave them be, otherwise there are a few things you can do to get them to leave the worm bin or to prevent ants to ever enter your worm farm again.

I wrote quite a few articles about this subject. Have a look at the Url. below and find out more.

I wish you all the best for your worm composting project and please let us know about your progress.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

PS: Unfortunately the picture of the ant is to small for me to see, so it's best if you just observe if the ants are attacking or harming your worms in any way.

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