Can worms survive tropical temperatures? And Questions about worm food?

by Mike
(Leyte, Philippines)

Interesting website.
Will the worms stand tropical temperatures in the shadow?
Can you also feed them serene/ saw dust from a sawmill? We have a lot of cocos serene here.
Will the also accept fish bones and meat bones?
How long does it take them to turn the waste into soil?

Where wood I buy them in the Philippines?

Best regards


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Jul 12, 2018
Re: Can worms survive tropical temperatures? And Questions about worm food?
by: Stephan

Hi Mike,

different kind of worms can handle different temperatures.

The most temperature tolerant compost worms are Red worms or "Eisenia fetida".They can handle temperatures as low as 5 degrees Celsius and as hot as 30 degrees Celsius. If it gets hotter they need enough bedding in their bins that they can crawl into to escape from the extreme temperatures. As I know that worms in South Africa have survived temperatures as hot as 40 degrees I would think that they could survive tropical temperatures too if their worm farms where properly set up. Another worm you could look into is the African Night crawler which likes warm weather.

For more information about the subject have a look at my article "Protecting worms in summer"

Saw dust would be ok for worms as long as it is from untreated wood without chemicals.

Cocos fibers make a good worm bedding

Fish bones are usually not that tough and worms can deal with them quite quickly depending on their size.

Harder bones should be ground down than they would be easier for the worms to consume.

Worms produce worm castings / worm poop / soil on a daily basis.

For more information about worm food have a look at the menu of my website and study the articles in the "Feeding worms" section.

For worm suppliers in the Philippines have a look at

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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