Do you sell worms?

by Bron
(Lund, Sweden)

Hello, Do you sell worms? - maskar. I live in Sweden.

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Sep 16, 2023
Re: Please unsubscribe. Cheers.
by: Stephan

Hello Bron,

I am not sure what you would like to unsubscribe from. Please let me know what kind of unwanted messages you are receiving and I will see how I can stop you from receiving them.

Kind regards


Sep 03, 2023
Please unsubscribe. Cheers.
by: BronnyNZ

Hello Stephan,

Could you please unsubscribe me? Thanks,


Dec 18, 2018
Kompostmaskar for Lund, Sweden
by: NZ Swede

Hi there Stephan,

Thank you for the nice set-up on this website and your introductory email. I have actually found a Swedish website that sells maskar, so shipment within Sweden might be the way to go.

I was actually surprised when you said "Yes" because I searched your website and could see no place to buy compost worms :( Maybe the link is looking right at me? I could only see links for your book. Could some website design changes make the visibility of worm sales more obvious? Thanks :)

In answer to your question - "How many?" - that would depend on the price and the viability of shipping to Sweden. Do you have a web page of your prices? Thanks.

I started this blog and decided on a business name, as you suggested Stephan: "Green Fingers, Lund SE - Heritage plants and worm farm" >

In time, i'd like to be added to your compost worm directory Stephan. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm for compost worms with the world.

After Christmas, I will buy your book and begin a worm-raising business here in Lund :) I really like what you're doing. Your financial success shows that it can be done. Thank you for shining a torch-light on the path! :)

God Yule,

Dec 15, 2018
Re: Do you sell worms?
by: Stephan

Hello Bron,

yes we do sell composting worms. How many worms are you looking for?

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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