Finding African Nightcrawlers in South Africa

by Stephan
(Cape Town and Radevormwald)


Hi Stephan I am from Zimbabwe and been a keen worm farmer and teacher for many years . In fact my nickname is "Willie Worm" and I have been using Eisenia fetida all these years. Please will you help me to find some african nightcrawlers (Eudrilus Eugeniae) in South Africa its very difficult to try get them from the USA or Australia. I will travel down to South Africa to fetch them.

Kind regards Willie


Dear Willie,

thank you for your inquiry. I am glad to hear that you are a keen supporter of worm composting and that you have been promoting the recycling of organic waste with the help of compost worms (Eisenia fetida).

I understand your interest in the African nightcrawlers and would gladly assist you to get your first batch of those valuable worms. Unfortunately I don't know of anyone in South Africa that is stocking "Eudrilus Eugeniae." I am well aware of the problems to import the worms from overseas due to transport issues as well as costs and the necessary health- and import regulations.

Your best bet might be to import the african nightcrawlers from West Africa?

Nevertheless I will publish your inquiry here on my website and if anyone is able to supply African nightcrawler worms either in South Africa or Zimbabwe I would kindly request to please contact me and I will gladly forward the suppliers details to Willie and any other interested worm composting friend.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert
Author of "How to start a profitable worm farm on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

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Aug 26, 2022
ANC from PermaSoil
by: Manie Geldenhuys

You can contact me for any African Nightcrawler or Red Wriggler needs. We courier natoinaly in South AFrica. Cell no 0829008775 Permasoil

Aug 26, 2022
African nightcrawlers Supplier South Africa
by: Permasoil

Hi There, I supply African night crawlers and I am based in Centurion, you are welcome to contact me.


Manie Geldenhuys
Facebook page Permasoil

Jun 03, 2022
Re: African Nightcrawlers in South Africa
by: Stephan

So far it seems to be very tricky to find African nightcrawlers in South Africa.

But let's spread the word and hopefully sooner or later someone should be able to supply them

Jun 02, 2022
Update about African nightcrawlers in South Africa
by: Anonymous

Hi Guys,

Did anyone manage to get the hand on the Nightcrawlers?

Dec 10, 2021
by: Victorŕ

Be careful of this guy at this email he is a crook. His name is Etienne Viviers. He will promise that he has worms and you deposit money and he is nowhere to be found.

Sep 10, 2021
by: Ralph

Hi is there any suppliers of African nightcrawlers in Cape Town

Aug 19, 2019
African Nightcrawlers
by: Charl

I live in the Western Cape and would like to know how to get hold of African Night-crawlers. I have Red Wigglers, but was told the African Night-crawlers are better.
I'm sure there are import regulations that prohibit ordering them from the US.
Thank you

Jan 29, 2019
Re: African Nightcrawler source in WestAfrica???
by: Stephan

Hello Anja,

I will keep my eyes open. Let's see if your message will cause any responses from possible suppliers.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of

Jan 26, 2019
African Nightcrawler source in WestAfrica???
by: Anja Weber

I am looking for a source of African Nightcrawlers in West Africa, ideally in Ghana. Any hints would be much appreciated!

Sep 23, 2017
by: Anonymous

Hi Willie, I can help you with the African nightcrawlers. You can contact me on my email -

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