by L
(United States)
Hi! Okay,
so I decided to start a compost bin with the fruit and veggie scraps and skins and older fruits like bananas and melons that had set out too long at home. I realized I could use worms to help actually turn it into the soil I wanted to use the compost on so I went out and about a little tub of earthworms and a tub of Nightcrawlers (about 15 each) in the fishing supply section of Walmart.
I put a little dirt in the fruit and veggie bin (a medium sized Rubbermaid type bin) and mushed it together using the juices from the scraps to moisten the dirt. I poked a bunch of holes in the top and put the lid on. I started reading about what different ways people actually do this composting and I am worried that my worms are not only the "wrong type" but that
I may also lose my little guys if they aren't in the right environment (I read Nightcrawlers will not survive without being able to tunnel in only dirt/soil)
I just put it all together three days ago and added the worms last night (Friday night) please give me some info on if they will be ok and steps to take now to ensure the safety and productivity of my new venture. I truly appreciate your time and help.
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