worms want to crawl out of new worm bin

by Mb
(Houston tx)

My worms arrived 1 week ago. They are doing great except they want to crawl out of the composting bin in the dark. I am keeping a light on them in the evenings with a wet towel and that keeps them in the bin. I am wondering if i need to stack another bid on top already to give them more room? I am feeding on the top of the bin to keep track of how fast they eat and not overfeed. . Some instructions said to feed on the bottom of the bins wondering if that would keep them inside the bin. Thanks

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Nov 03, 2020
Re: worms want to crawl out of new worm bin
by: Stephan

Hello Mb,

it is quite common for worms to want to crawl out of worm bins especially in wet weather conditions and once they freshly arrived in a new worm bin. Keeping a light over the bin is good way to prevent worms from leaving the bin, but there are a few other things you might want to consider when dealing with worms and their desire to leave their worm bin.

Below is the URL of one of quite a few articles I published about escaping worms from worm farms. Have a look and you might find some useful tips to assist you in your worm composting project.

The URL is


- Feeding worms on the top of your worm bin is the right way to feed them!!!

I hope this will help you and wish you all the best for your worm composting project.

Kind regards

Stephan Kloppert

Author of "How to start a profitable worm business on a shoestring budget"

Editor of www.worm-composting-help.com

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